
Accompanied with my writing, the series explores the vagueness of an ending. For the past three years, I have been commuting from Long Island to Queens everyday. My mental health was at a risk but at the time I did not seek medical attention. I had to strive. In solace, I found my routine, repetitive as it was, comforting. 

Behind, 2019, 8”x10”, Gelatin silver print


QC, 2019, 8”x10”, Gelatin silver print

I-495, 2019, 8”x10”, Gelatin silver print


Regular 87, 2019, 8”x10”, Gelatin silver print

Home, 2019, 8”x10”, Gelatin silver print

5 am. 

My alarm clock rings. 

Startled, I quickly pull my bedsheets and sit up to look for my cell phone to shut the alarm off. I have started my day. I slip on my slippers, put on my glasses, and go to the bathroom to get prepared for my day. 

At 7:45 am, I am out the door with my backpack and my lunch bag (0.2 miles). I am off to my first part-time job. 

At 11:05 am, I speed walk out of the building to get to my car. Now, where do I go from here? Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, my days are split. From 11:05 am to 11:20 am, I drive to my observation school (4.7 miles). I quickly enter the building and leave the building at 3 pm. 

From 3:05 pm to 3:30 pm, I drive to my second part-time job (31.6 miles). 

At 6:30 pm, I am done with work and return home at 7 pm (27.4 miles). 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I drive to Queens at 11:05 am (50.1 miles). I arrive at my internship at 12:30 pm. I get back in my car at 3 pm. Now, I am stuck in rush hour traffic from 3 pm to 6 pm. I get home at 7 pm (53.1 miles).

When do I eat lunch? In my car. Why am I sleepy? Because of the lunch I just had. Why is it quiet? Because I fell asleep while driving my car. I need to stay awake… Music? It helps sometimes. Rolling down your windows? Also, helps sometimes. Pulling over and getting sleep? I can’t – I’m awake. 

At the end of the day, I pull my car into my driveway. Close the gate, enter my house. Eat dinner, do some homework, and watch something mindlessly. It is 11 pm. Time for bed.  





